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Introducing GMI CONNECT

An interactive membership experience featuring livestreams with Sayer Ji, the complete GreenMedInfo Video Library, and the ability to connect with other Members.

Become a GMI Connect Member


Connect with the latest Natural Health News & Information


Connect with other Like-Minded Wellness Seekers

How Censorship Affects GreenMedInfo &You


Perks of becoming an exclusive GMI Connect member...

Exclusive Member's Only Livestreams & Replays

Join Sayer Ji as he discusses breaking news, natural health benefits, and answers your questions on the topics shared. This is your opportunity to connect directly with Sayer as well as get information and insight from other GMI Connect Members.

Missed the Livestream? Livestream Replays are ONLY available to GMI Connect Members and you can watch and save on demand.

Our Complete GreenMedInfo Video Library has over 100 videos that are no longer available on mainstream platforms. Now, GMI Connect Members have unlimited access to our censored videos including interviews with experts on topics from natural health to cryptocurrency.

Regenerative Living Sessions with Sayer Ji

Sayer Ji hosts monthly sessions where he shares his personal favorite health & wellness practices. Join him live to participate in the discussion and ask questions or watch the replay at your convenience.

Monthly Interviews with Special Guests

Join us live as we discuss topics including natural health, breaking news, sovereignty, and more! Top experts in their field share their thoughts with and answer questions from GMI Connect Members.

Interactive Opportunities to Connect with Other Like-Minds

GMI Connect Membership provides you the ability to find community members who share your passions and interests. Group chat and direct message available to communicate with other Members and share experiences and information.

Topics Covered

  • Food as Medicine
  • The New Biophysics 
  • Free Thinking & Philosophy
  • Breaking News & Current Events 
  • Naturopathy & Chiropractic
  • Personal Development
  • Sacred Activism
  • Cryptocurrency & Blockchain

“Sayer Ji and the information he shares has benefited me in so many ways. I've learned so much about supplements, herbs, practices, people, and much more via his work. The GMI Connect Membership will be of benefit to me as well as it will allow for uncensored communication. YIPPEE! I'm looking forward to connecting to like minded individuals via GMI Connect. I consider it a privilege to be a part of this new launch!” - Lainey

"THIS IS AWESOME!!!!! Totally on your 'page' so to speak. I have chased and found sources of truth the last 2 years and am so grateful for the courage and energy of all these heroes! And have been spreading the word as much as I can!" - Linda

Membership Pricing

GMI Connect Membership


  • Exclusive Members Only Livestreams
  • Livestream Replays On Demand
  • Monthly Regenerative Living Sessions with Sayer Ji
  • Monthly Interviews with Special Guests
  • Community Chat and Connection
Sign Up Here

Frequently Asked Questions


About GreenMedInfo

GreenMedInfo, the world’s largest open-access natural health database, is a resource where consumers and healthcare professionals can access evidence-based, clinical data without the complexity of searching and navigating multiple health institutions. Over 100 million visitors have used the free resource since its inception in 2008. GreenMedInfo is founded by SAYER JI, the author of the book REGENERATE, and a natural health and health rights advocate.