Living Water, Epigenetic Pathways, and the Wisdom of the Ancestral Diet

This is what the New Biology says about the relationship between DNA, disease, and aging:

  • You, not your DNA, have control over your health destiny. 

  • The symptoms of disease are often your body’s intelligent response to being exposed to something that is unhealthy or inappropriate. It is always better to look for the disease’s root cause than to suppress the symptoms. 

  • The accelerated decline that we associate with aging is not necessarily predestined by our genes, and it’s neither normal nor inevitable.

There is a better way for our bodies to tap into the energy all around us. We need to seek to understand all parts of the system in which we live—not just DNA. These include our miraculous microbiome, a sophisticated, life-sustaining microbial reservoir that we are only beginning to learn about.